Female to Male
Top Surgery

Ocean Clinic Marbella

Removal of breasts and tightening of the skin envelope in trans men is the key procedure in female-to-male top reassignment surgery.

Many trans men are very uncomfortable and inhibited by their breasts, and resort to binding their chest for long periods. Unsurprisingly, they experience an enormous amount of relief following breast removal, and significant enhancement in their life-quality. One of the goals of this procedure is to keep the scars as short as possible and preferably avoid the horizontal scars completely.

This can be further supported by a simultaneous contouring liposuction, which forms an essential part of every such procedure, creating further skin shrinking and shorter scars. Essentially,we aim to give a more masculine chest contour,and the shortest possible scars, giving enhanced self confidence, which contributes considerably to the healing of gender dysphoria. Moreover, being able to swim do sports, dress as desired and be free from chest -binding underneath t-shirts are just few examples reflecting the post-operative advantages of every trans man.

Female to Male Top Surgery - Trans Man | Ocean Clinic Marbella

Top Surgery
Trans Man