In the last few years, Muscle Relaxing Injectables has become massively popular with women. In the US alone, more than 1.5 million women had the facial injectable last year. Despite this, injectables remains somewhat of a taboo for men.
Figures from The Aesthetic Society show that only 172,000 American men had the injections in 2019 - a fraction of the number of women. So, is this because the results achievable in men are less desirable, or simply because the treatment is perceived as being for women only? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of injectables for men and cover the concerns men frequently have about this treatment.
How are muscle relaxant injections used to treat facial ageing in men?
When it comes to reversing facial ageing, men can enjoy incredible results with injectables - certainly just as impressive as the results that women can achieve. It is primarily used to treat lines and wrinkles on the upper portion of the face. It can:
- Ease crow’s feet around the eyes
- Relax forehead lines
- Eradicated frown lines between the eyebrows
- Lift the eyebrows to improve the appearance of sagging eyelids
Because this works by relaxing the muscles responsible for forming wrinkles, it can be effective even on quite deep lines. It can take years off a man’s appearance, making them look fresher and well-rested.
A further cosmetic use that’s gaining popularity with men (although it’s “off-label”, meaning not yet officially approved) is in the nose. Injecting between the nostrils relaxes the fibres of the depressor nasii septii muscle that pulls the nose downward. It can improve the appearance of sagging or hooked noses. Flared nostrils can also be treated by injecting the ala (outer rim of the nostrils).

Other uses
There are some other reasons men might want to have injectables. The most common is to treat hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. The toxin can be injected into the underarms, palms of the hands or the face to prevent excessive sweating for up to six months. There are also other medical uses, including treatment for:
- Migraines
- Facial spasms or tics
- Facial palsy
- Hand tremors
- Neuropathic pain
- Upper limb spasms
How much upkeep is required?
Although men today are increasingly willing to spend time taking care of their appearance, any labour-intensive beauty regime can still be off-putting. So how much time and effort goes into getting these injections?
The good news is that the time spent getting injections is absolutely minimal. Depending on how many areas of your face are being treated, you can expect to spend between 15 to 30 minutes in the chair (although this will be longer for conditions like excessive sweating).
You’ll be able to go about your normal activities immediately after treatment as no downtime is required. This means you can be treated in your lunch break and don’t have to take time out of your busy day. Crucially, the injection sites should be next to invisible, meaning no awkward questions from friends or colleagues.
The results of the injections will start to show fully over the next few days and will typically last for 3-4 months (although it can last up to 6 months in some patients). If you want to maintain your look, you will have to commit to getting treatment several times a year.

Will my face look unnatural?
A major concern for men thinking about this treatment is whether it will be obvious that they’ve had it done. People worry they’ll get “frozen face” and won’t be able to show any facial expressions, but this is absolutely not the case.
A skilled practitioner has detailed knowledge of the facial musculature and knows exactly where to inject in order to relax lines without causing facial paralysis. You will still have your full range of expressions, be able to freely smile, and show shock or surprise.
The results will be very natural - the only way people might guess you’ve had treatment is if you have noticeable wrinkles that disappear overnight!
What age should a man have injectables?
You might be surprised to learn that a lot of men are starting young. Men who begin having the injections in their 20s do it to prevent wrinkles forming, rather than treat existing lines.
So-called “preventative injectables” have been shown to work - you haven’t missed the boat if you don’t start in your 20s, though - it’s beneficial at any age.
Due to its muscle weakening effect, regular use can stop the formation of new wrinkles - or the worsening of existing ones - effectively stopping the clock on upper facial ageing.
Ocean Clinic is a specialist in injectables for men. Contact us to make an appointment or find out more.